Ever since its got cold, I've been on a hunt for a Christmas dress. Something that makes me look half a stone lighter, makes me look drop dead gorgeous and makes me feel amazing when I slip it on. A real show stopper, a real Christmas dress. I had basically given up after a month of nothing, until I entered the Motel Bloggers Evening last week, among the crowds of beautiful bloggers, I spotted this black sequin dress hanging on the wall and I had a proper 'light-bulb' moment, screaming in my head: "THAT'S THE DRESS!" It was perfect, so many sequins that no one would be able to see my lumps and bumps, and and I had images popping into my head of me dressing it down with a cardi and brogues, which made me want it even more! The next morning (I was too drunk from the cocktails at the event to do it that night!) I was straight on the Motel website to look for this beauty, only to find out that in comes in three colours, THREE! How on earth am I supposed to pick between three colours?! So I'm asking for your help, please please please help me pick a colour! If you could comment below with the color that you will think will suit me best would be a massive help as I'm currently pulling my hair out! Option 1: Gabby dress in black sequinsOption 2: Gabby dress in charcoal sequinsOption 3: Gabby dress in gold sequinsPlease help me solve my Christmas dress dilemma!"believe in yourself"