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Get Your Cyber-Monday Social Media Ad Game Ready

Posted on the 13 October 2016 by Marketingtango @marketingtango
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  • October 13, 2016
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Get your Cyber-Monday Social Media Ad Game Ready

It’s not too late to get in the game for the big Black Friday/Cyber-Monday weekend after Thanksgiving. But before scheduling anything, integrated marketers may need to rethink some of the traditional assumptions about how to best reach consumers during this year’s retail shopping frenzy.

By now you already know the importance of a strong online and social media presence. Nevertheless, if management needs convincing, here are some cyber-shopping stats to bolster your case.

First, consider the ever-growing audience on mobile: 258 million people now use mobile phones in the U.S. alone. And 45% of all shopping trips now include mobile ­– more so for millennials, with 57% using mobile to shop.

Over the 2015 Thanksgiving Cyber-Monday weekend, in-store sales fell 10.4%, but online sales increased 15% over the year before! On Thanksgiving Day, 58% of online purchases were made on mobile devices and mobile accounted for 50% of all online purchases during the entire Black Friday weekend.

Where To Advertise?

Before committing yourself to a campaign on a single channel, test different social networks to find out which generates the best response for your brand.

Although not every brand will be right for Facebook advertising, you can’t overlook the fact that consumers now watch over 100 million hours of video on Facebook each day!

Since attention spans are short, you’ll need to make the most of each second: viewers can recall mobile Facebook News Feed content after seeing it for only a quarter of a second, according to Fors-Marsh tests. Facebook discovered that “47% of the value in a video campaign was delivered in the first three seconds, while up to 74% of the value was delivered in the first ten,” according to Nielsen.

The New Digital Ad Frontier

Digital video advertising is expected to continue to grow. But the new frontier now is live-stream video ads.

Live streaming content is one more opportunity for integrated marketers to stand out from the crowd in a time when brands are moving media dollars away from traditional TV to digital video.

Nearly 20% of U.S. media buyers are planning to invest in live stream video ads in the next six months, according to August 2016 research.

U.S. marketers will likely turn first to Facebook Live and YouTube Live as they consider live-stream video ad options. But you still have time to make your move and stake your claim in the new digital frontier if you act quickly – before your competitors do! (Watch for next week’s post when we dive further into Facebook video ads.)

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