Book Of The Month for March was Women In Love by D H Lawrence. For online Book Clubbers there are some questions below for you to get involved with. Either answer in the comments section or use as discussion points at your next Book Club. If you haven’t read the book check out the Lowdown all about it here.
Women In Love – the blurb
Lawrence’s finest, most mature novel initially met with disgust and incomprehension. In the love affairs of two sisters, Ursula with Rupert, and Gudrun with Gerald, critics could only see a sorry tale of sexual depravity and philosophical obscurity. Women in Love is, however, a profound response to a whole cultural crisis. The ‘progress’ of the modern industrialised world had led to the carnage of the First World War.
What, then, did it mean to call ourselves ‘human’? On what grounds could we place ourselves above and beyond the animal world? What are the definitive forms of our relationships – love, marriage, family, friendship – really worth? And how might they be otherwise? Without directly referring to the war, Women in Love explores these questions with restless energy.
Discussion Points
The following are written with the presumption you have read Women In Love. If you haven’t, bookmark the post and come back to answer the questions later.
- How did you read the book – Kindle, audio, paperback? Do you read particular types of books (for example classics) in a certain format?
- The book is entitled Women In Love but how important were the men to the story?
- Women In Love was written in the 1920s, can the 2020s woman take anything from it?
- The book doesn’t directly refer to the First World War however how prominent was it in the story?
- Did you know the book is a sequel? Have you read The Rainbow? Does not having read it cause any issues to the reader?
Get Involved
Feel free to answer as many of the questions as you want. Post your replies below, discuss with us on social media using @BookSocialUK, or pose some questions of your own. If you enjoyed the questions, have a go at last month’s Get Involved: The Sanatorium.