Lifestyle Magazine

Get Creative with Your Wedding Planning!

By Claire

Sophie - Con­grat­u­la­tions!! You’re get­ting mar­ried and there is so much to plan and to be excited about! What will you go for? The white and sil­ver color scheme or the white and gold? The sug­ared almond favours or the lovehearts?

Claire - …Or does the very notion of sug­ared almonds make your toes curl and your hair stand on end?! Per­haps even the idea of hav­ing a color scheme at all gives rise to a dra­matic sigh from either you or your other half? Yeah — me too.

Sophie - If there are tra­di­tional parts of wed­dings that bore you or that you find slightly uncom­fort­able — skip them. If you hate the thought of peo­ple star­ing at you walk­ing down the aisle – get mar­ried in a cir­cle of your friends and fam­ily. Do you dis­like the for­mal speeches? Have fam­ily make a cre­ative video and play that at din­ner instead. Have fun with each and every aspect of your day, it will make the mem­o­ries even more cherished.

This is the one day that is entirely about you and your part­ner – do not con­form! Think it through prop­erly — do you even like white and sil­ver and do you want a favour that you have been given time and time again?

Claire - There’s so much tra­di­tion asso­ci­ated with wed­dings that it’s often dif­fi­cult to cast aside all the fluff and see what’s really impor­tant about the day. Don’t look at wed­ding mag­a­zines. For­get the idea that wed­dings are a giant shop­ping spree. Bin favours entirely or hand out sparklers or per­sonal let­ters to all of your guests.

If you don’t want brides­maids or a best man, for what­ever rea­son, think cre­atively and have an inti­mate wed­ding or change the roles around… you could have a speech­meis­ter and a con­fetti fairy instead! (Bizarre, yes. But infi­nitely more inter­est­ing than tra­di­tional roles, no?!)

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Sophie - One of the most excit­ing parts to plan­ning a wed­ding will be your per­sonal choices, every­thing from the venue to the food, the dress and the décor. This is you and your partner’s party of a life­time, an oppor­tu­nity to express your per­son­al­ity and all of your quirks. Don’t miss the chance to have your wed­ding show­case who ‘you’ are.

There are so many oppor­tu­ni­ties to touch on all of your loves at a wed­ding, did you have a favorite fairy­tale or film whilst grow­ing up? Why not theme your favours or place names around it. Every­thing from the music to the wed­ding pho­tos gives you an oppor­tu­nity to get cre­ative. If you love fancy dress, you should def­i­nitely have some dress­ing up props to add inter­est to your wed­ding pho­tos, it will def­i­nitely get every­body smiling!!

Let your imag­i­na­tion and cre­ativ­ity run wild, the mem­o­ries will last a life time!

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Sophie is from Sher­bet Lace. We cre­ate wed­ding sta­tionery, acces­sories and dec­o­ra­tions! We use illus­tra­tion and design to cap­ture unique per­sonal moments and cre­ate pieces that shout the couple’s per­sonal loves and quirks.

We want to get brides and grooms think­ing about how their wed­dings can reflect as much about their per­son­al­i­ties as pos­si­ble. It’s a day that you can express your­self as much and in as many ways as you want!

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