Culture Magazine

George McGovern’s 1974 Campaign Buttons, Bumper Stickers

By Dotpattern @collectinghobby
George McGovern’s 90th birthday party celebrates old-fashioned liberal | Washington Post:
George McGovern’s 1974 campaign buttons, bumper Stickers
Working for the Nixon campaign in as a 12 year old little Republican, I was enlisted to give out bumper stickers and campaign buttons for the Presidential race to people on the street of my hometown.
George McGovern’s 1974 campaign buttons, bumper Stickers George McGovern’s 1974 campaign buttons, bumper Stickers
Another kid who was working for the opposition traded with me for a set of all the buttons. Both of us were trying to get one of everything -- even the hard to get picture buttons and ones reserved for big spenders.

George McGovern’s 1974 campaign buttons, bumper Stickers

Nixon was re-elected in 1972

See a collection of Rock 'n Roll buttons that were around when tricky Dick Nixon was in office (

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