When I meet a Client and tour their home, I always talk about the importance of decluttering.....shelves, closets, rooms etc. But, it's also really important to declutter the garage before you sell, and many people don't consider it.

Here are some steps to successfully clean out your garage:
1. Pick a day that it's going to be nice out and get some extra help! There's a lot of lifting that needs to be done.
2. Park your cars in the street so you have the entire driveway to work with.
3. Be prepared with garbage bags, cans, boxes, clear plastic bins, a magic marker, cleaning supplies, a broom, dustpan, rags and an indoor/outdoor vacuum cleaner.
4. Check with your City to find out how to dispose of motor oil, solvents and chemicals.
5. If you think you may have items to donate, make an appointment for pick up the next day.
6. Empty out the garage....COMPLETELY. You should sort in to 3 piles....throw it away, give it away, keep it. Remember, a general rule of thumb is: if you haven't used something for over one year...it should go!
7. After everything is out and in piles, clean the floor. You can get a sweeping compound at most home improvement stores. After you've swept it clean, you can mix a degreasing cleaner in a bucket of hot water and clean the floor. Make sure to rinse it thoroughly. If there are oil stains on the floor, you can apply a laundry pre-spotter to the stain and leave it on for 5-10 minutes. Then sprinkle with laundry detergent and scrub with a stiff broom or brush. Wipe up the residue with paper towels. Make sure to rinse and let it dry.
8. Now you're ready to return the items you're keeping to the garage. Keep as much off the floor as possible. This would be a great time to add shelves or cabinets. If you put items in to boxes, label all sides with the contents. Using clear plastic bins help too, but I label those as well. Never put one item in front of another.
9. Leave the donations in the driveway for the next day and put the garbage on the side of the house for pick up.
10. Dispose of oil, solvents and chemicals.
11. Now rest!!