Social Media Magazine

GameKlip: Controller Game For Your Android

Posted on the 24 August 2012 by Hpmurah2u @hpmurah2u
game klip for android
Got a gadget based on Android? Likes to play games on your Android?
Ever feel envious neighbors gamers who use OS: iOS, because they have a lot of alternative controllers can be used to make your gaming experience more stable again? Now on Android mania don't be jealous anymore .. With the proliferation of Android-based devices, hardware makers will also flood the market with hardware-hardware support to Android. One is the game controller of this Gameklip. Actually this is not suitable Gameklip called a controller, but Gameklip this is actually a clip that would unite the PS3 controller with your Android gadget. And to be able to play games with a PS3 controller that, you need to download the Sixaxis applications available in the Android Market and Gameklip connect with the PS3 controller or a type. Gameklip sold at a price of $ 15  for the wireless version and $ 23  for the cable version. According to the website, they receive a request 'request compatibility' for mobile phones that do not exist dilist Gameklip compatibility. As for you who have a gadget below can be directly ordered through their website ( List of Mobile are supported of GameKlip:
  • Galaxy SIII
  • Galaxy SII
  • Galaxy Nexus
  • Galaxy Note
  • HTC Evo 4G
  • HTC One X
origin source gamesaku, thegameklip

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By Ewan Pattison
posted on 05 January at 18:51
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