Apple will now have to work extra hard to maintain its attractiveness. Samsung unveiled Thursday, May 3 its “iPhone killer” with the new version of its smartphone, the Galaxy S3. Spearheading the Korean brand in its fight against Apple, this marvel of technology has many advantages.
Always designed on Android platform, the effective operating system from Google, the Galaxy S3 features a quad core processor for multitasking optimum use. The larger screen than before (4.8 inches), the chip design and 4G neater end to make it even more competitive.
We also invested a lot to offer services that facilitate the use of these technologies,” insists Younghee Lee, marketing director for the Wireless Samsung, cited by Les Echos.
Many gadgets have been highlighted during the presentation, the screen remains in standby until the user keeps his eyes open facing the screen. The Galaxy S3 will be launched in 145 countries with 296 operators, at the special price of 649 euros. It will be available in France on May 29
Apple now has its destiny in its hands, with a next appointment scheduled at June 11 , which should be devoted to its new iPhone.