Current Magazine

Funny Kitten Video Business Not As Lucrative As You May Have Thought

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

The Wall Street Journal reports that YouTube is not a profitable business.

3 Possible Explanations We Have As To Why YouTube Is Not Profitable

1. Kitten video supply exceeds demand just like kitten supply exceeds demand for every kid trying to give away a litter of kittens. The kitten industry is even tough for kids, folks.

2. That whole “if you don’t want to watch this ad, skip it in 15 seconds or so” thing just might lead to people realizing “I don’t want this ad standing between me and this flash mob lip dub video.”

3. That whole thing where you can’t find what you want on YouTube, because, you know, shows with audiences don’t like giving quality content away for free. So if your business model is basically being “Submissions To America’s Funniest Home Videos 24/,” you may want to find some assistant producers to curate the submissions, and Bog Saget to narrate the videos with some funny jokes.  And we’re talking about the jokes he does during stand-up, not his sitcom material.

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