Mitt Romney has been letting cash flood in to his campaign, with Paul Ryan’s plan to effectively eliminate taxes on the rich opening a lot of wallets, and his team has consistently raised over $100 million per month over the summer. His totals are eye-popping, but for the month of August, Team Obama carried an edge.
This is impressive for a number of reasons, but primarily because the people who give to Team Obama tend to give in smaller amounts. They are everyday people who know that letting Romney win the election would spell disaster for Americans just so thr rich can pay less taxes. They are far more diverse, coming from different backgrounds and understanding that they can’t just fly to a tropical island to get away, that they have to reside and thrive in the communities they live in. And as a result, they care about those communities. They care about America.
They are not business owners who are donating to political parties as an investment for lower taxes. They are not wealthy individuals who rely on capital gains from their trust funds. They are not selfish people who support civil inequalities only to save a dime. They are people who understand what America means, and they are willing to back it up.
It cannot be stated a sufficient amount of times: the Republican Party brings no new ideas, a hypocrital platform that does nothing to eliminate the debt that they complain about so much, and is only — literally ONLY — a front for rich people to pay less taxes while the poor starve and suffer from treatable diseases, while our education languishes, while our environment gets torn to shreds, and while hard working immigrants get sent to lands they have never called home.
We cannot let them win this next election, we cannot afford to give any legitimacy to their goals, and therefore we must support Obama to maintain the path we are on which is the best way to move forward with compassion, unity, and optimism.