Lifestyle Magazine


By Millerweddings @phoebewedding

I never ever want this series to end. It was a bad idea putting it on television during the run up to Christmas as my wish-list goes as follows:

Polar Bear Cub (not adult, they can be grumpy)
Penguin (Emperor or the one that steals stones)
Weasel (in white)
Hare (in white)
Wolf  (in white)
Seal (pup)


A less Arctic based wish-list will be up tomorrow. But for now, a lovely mood board inspired by the most wonderful TV programme on at the moment. I love the BBC, if you haven't watched must! Here you go.  

This song was in my head whilst writing

Did you have a good weekend? Mine was so-so. More on that tomorrow. 

Please pencil the 15th Dec with "hanging out with Phoebe". 

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