Fitness Magazine

From Zero to Hero – the Activeman Challenge

By Girlontheriver @girlontheriver

Matthew “The Thriller” Hall

Some guys buy a sports car. Others take a lover. Quite a lot get into triathlon. Most content themselves with drinking for Britain.

When it came to his own midlife crisis, though, none of those was quite exciting enough for my husband. After all, he’d survived 21 years of marriage to me – he’d proved he could take on a challenge.

And so it was that he signed up for his first ever boxing bout with the brilliantly-named white collar boxing outfit, Zero to Hero. Just three weeks from now he’ll be stepping into the ring as Matthew “The Thriller” Hall (equally brilliantly named – not only does he write thrillers but it’s a nice homage to his all-time hero, Mohammed Ali, he of the Thrilla in Manila).

If that weren’t challenge enough, he’s raising money for the fantastic children’s ward at Nevill Hall hospital in Abergavenny, where our son spent a week last year. He’s currently a long way off the fundraising target, incidentally


Now, this is all very – well – thrilling, but there’s one tiny thing I haven’t mentioned. Since this is – by his own admission – a bit of a midlife crisis, it makes him considerably older than all of the guys he’s training with and a hefty 15 years older than his opponent. So he’s going to need all the help he can get.

ActiVeman Focus and Thermolean

ActiVeman Focus and Thermolean

Step up ActiVeman, a brand new range of supplements by Bio Synergy designed for (as the name suggests) active men. When I told them of my own active man’s requirements (and about the two black eyes he was sporting after some scary sparring sessions), they came up with two supplements for him. One is Focus   (£19.99) – a “daily supplement to maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular system and ensure you maintain your focus as the combination of omega 3 & 6 (DHA & EPA) supports brain function”. The other is Thermolean  (£29.99) – a “daily supplement containing a unique blend of ingredients which not only improve energy levels but improve your metabolism.”

The products come in super-desirable packaging – cool little tins that look like batteries – and are in manageable capsules. He’s been taking them for a couple of weeks and so far is delighted. He’s lost some weight, which was definitely part of the plan, and has managed huge amounts of training (including some killer sessions involving a 5.30 a.m. alarm call) without showing the exhaustion you might expect at this stage. Who can say if it’s directly attributable to the capsules, but he’s pretty sure they’re helping.

I will, of course, report back after Fight Night and let you know how he got on. In the meantime, if you have a spare tuppence, the children’s ward would be absolutely delighted. And if it’s the supplements you’re after, they are coming soon from Boots and online.

Be a hero and donate to Matthew’s cause here.

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