Fashion Magazine

From the Bookworm's Shelf Ii

By Pragyasharma57 @pragyasharma57
I am back again with another book review. It is only very rarely that I wish to give a review on a book but off late I have been reading really amazing books and so I end up posting about them. and here I am up with "A Hundred Names" by Cecilia Ahern.
"Never to judge a book by its cover", I am often told by people but this one i could not resist. It had this amazing greeting card sort of cover that I end up buying it. I didn't even know who Cecilia Ahern was until lately somebody brought to my notice that she was the same person who wrote "P.S. I Love You". And so my expectations with the book increased. The one thing that continuously crossed my mind throughout my reading, was that how could somebody manage to talk about  a hundred people, especially when everybody has a story to tell in just 350 pages. Well, I am good at sowing curiosity and so I leave it to you to find out how Cecilia talks about 'a hundred people' in this little book. Really engrossing. Truly does justice to my choice of cover page :)
Next on preview: Reckless by Andrew Gross

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