Family Magazine

From Moses Basket to Big Bed!

By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx
From Moses Basket to Big Bed!
When you find out your expecting, it's so exciting sorting out the nursery and getting everything ready for the little one, the little accessories, the mobile and all the furniture, whilst all those things can be used for many years to come, you'll have many changes in which bed they use! From newborn to baby, toddler to child and teenager to adult, they will probably have around 5 different types of bed before they even move out, yikes! As you all know, Abbie was never a fan of sleeping anywhere other than on me or in bed with Ben & I...16 months later she still sleeps in our bed but we have her toddler bed pushed up against ours so she does sleep in there for half the night then crawls her way over to us, it works for us so that's what we do :). Here are the usual transitions and beds you can expect over the next few years :)

Starting with...

Moses basket

The first thing your baby will sleep in will be one of these, it's cosy and warm whilst easily movable so you can transition it from room to room too! Abbie would nap happily in hers as a newborn and looked super cute in there too, you don't realize just how small they are until you try and put your toddler back in the moses basket...haha.


It's amazing how quickly they grow out of their moses basket, one minute they look tiny in it, the next their little feet and head are both touching the might not be ready for them to be in their own room yet (and don't let anyone pressure you either), but you can still have the cot up in your  room if you want to! There are so many cots to choose from, I've never seen so many online, I thought it was just a cot..but no, there are cribs, cots, cotbeds, dark wood, pine, white wood, & don't even get me started on the mattresses..springs, certified by certain companies and regulations, foam, padded etc etc..It's up to you what you choose to go for and how much you pay, bear in mind you get what you pay for in terms of quality too!

Toddler bed

Once they begin climbing out their cot you know this is the right time to transition to a toddler bed, something which allows them to get out if they want to but keeps them safe with a bed rail on the side too so they can't fall out during their sleep! This is probably when they might want to be more involved with the duvet cover and blankets etc, and also which teddys or toys they want in there too, giving them the chance to choose will really give them a boost in confidence!

Twin/Single bed

They might start noticing different kinds of kids beds on tv and in books and things now and may wants to try different heights and the "cool" ones with slides instead of a ladder, maybe instead of going straight in for the more extravagant types like the metal high sleeper beds (my parents were very nervous about getting me one of these) maybe go for something a little less scary for mom and dad and try a mid-height bed, there are some fab steens mid sleeper beds on sale at the moment which might be perfect for your little one!

Double bed

I had one from the age of 13 and still only slept on one side of the bed haha! This was definitely a big thing though, I remember feeling like an adult as I now had the same size bed as the adults! Ha. That's when I started choosing more neutral coloured bedding rather than bright pink or cow print as it used to be! Grown up bed means grown up design! I'll have to dig out the photo of when I redesigned by room myself, I literally spent about 13 hours changing EVERYTHING, it looked so much better afterwards & I was so proud of myself :)

Where does your little one sleep?

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