Railway company President of Russia Vladimir Iakunin, proposed a plan for a Trans-Siberian highway that would link the country to the eastern border of the US state of Alaska, passing over the Bering Strait, which separates Asia from North America, reports CNN .
The plan was unveiled at a meeting of the Academy of Sciences of Russia.Called trans-Eurasian belt development, the project proposes the construction of a highway along the existing Trans-Siberian railroad, with a new railway network and oil and gas pipelines.“This is a project interstate and between civilizations,”said Iakunin, Siberian Times quoted.The highway will cross Russia, connecting to the existing road system of Western Europe and Asia.Distance between West and East of Russia is nearly 10,000 kilometers.Iakunin said the highway will connect Russia to North America through Chukotka region, across the Bering Strait and Seward Peninsula in Alaska.The report provides no details of the way across the water, whether it will be a bridge, a tunnel or ferry services. The shortest distance between Russia and the coast of Alaska is about 88 kilometers, according to the Center for information on public territories of Alaska.Home Transsiberian railway goes from Moscow to Vladivostok and covers 9258 kilometers.Iakunin was described as a close friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin.Some sources have speculated that he might be the potential successor to the Russian presidency.