- Your mom is ALWAYS right. Eventually you will realize this...it took me 19 years to come to that conclusion.
- Every heart break brings you closer to the man God has chosen for you.
- God really is good and he does provide.
- Study. I know it sucks but I wish I had taken advantage of the learning in high school and younger college years.
- Take advantage of the opportunities put in front of you, once you're older they may not present themselves so easily.
- It doesn't get easier. Every year presents a new struggle and reality while the old ones fade.
- Investing in one piece is better than investing in a whole new wardrobe. Why? Because that piece will last and you won't part from it easily.
- Your first car really is the best car (I still have mine and she's been there for a lot.)
- Create what you want to create and screw everyone else's opinion. One day you'll be praised for your accomplishments.
- Take all the pictures you want. One day you'll want to be able to share them with a significant other and eventually kids (not quite there yet.)
- Dress in a respectful way. People really do judge what you put on Facebook. And those neon crop tops aren't exactly what you want a future boss to see.
- Your dream job is hiring? Apply. You never know what twist of fate may wait on the other side of that application.
- Grow your brand. I wish I had started earlier. My brand is my image to the world.
- It's ok not to tweet your every thought and feeling.
- Learn to communicate again. Stop with the texts and start having conversations face to face. Eventually this will become almost extinct in our actions and we have to work to preserve the art of speech and conversation.
- Go to as many concerts as you can. Music is the gateway to the soul and the concerts are memories you'll look back on for the rest of your life.
- Do the team sports. They build character.
- Apply to colleges out of state. There is financial aid and different avenues that will help you with the cost. (I wish I had done this.)
- You may end up somewhere you never thought you would be (for me it's Liberty.)
- Don't be afraid to transfer schools if the major you want isn't there or the classes are a different level than you want.
- Do something you've never done before and keep doing things you've never done. Don't allow yourself to be afraid of living a boring life.
- Respect your parents. They have a reason for all that they tell you.
- Set goals and work for them. It wasn't until this past year that I finally brought myself to set goals and start fulfilling them.
- Be proud to be different.
- It's ok to admit when you're wrong.