Food & Drink Magazine

from 0 to 60 in 2.7 Seconds Flat.

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

Boy you all had great ideas about workouts. I loved getting all those comments throughout the day. I’ve been thinking a lot about workouts and I was crazy motivated to get in a sweat session this afternoon before basketball practice.


I haven’t felt like running lately because I’m afraid it will aggravate my tummy troubles so I chose to do a 45 minute workout DVD. I feel awesome. It’s true what they say about endorphins.

Then I ended up playing basketball at open gym and totally tore up the court! Such a great sweat session, round 2. So I went from feeling totally down and defeated about my physical fitness this morning to completely kicking some sweating bootay tonight. Haha, love it when that happens.

Work was pretty eventful this afternoon and we took a break around 3:30 for slurpees and peach rings.


I had the crystal light peach mango. Yuuuummmmmmm!


The 7eleven peach rings taste funny…. don’t get them. Stick to the originals.

Today we printed a few more big pieces for the artist in LA. I’m happy to confirm that we have 3 more big orders coming in so we’ll be printing on wood until Christmas, and hopefully getting a few bigger paychecks too.


Did you know iOS 5 was released today?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

The afternoon was spent with a lot of this….


While doing this…..


Thank god for all the peach rings (even if they did taste funny!)


I made the quickest dinner in the history of dinners (except you must omit soups, microwave meals, and any kind of cereal).


Look………… I showered!

I made some brown rice (gluten free) couscous that was garlic and olive oil flavored. While that cooked I steamed some broccoli and a few cajun mini sausages. I but the broc and tiny pigs on top of the couscous with some pepper and more garlic.


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