Arts & Crafts Magazine

Fridge Curation

By Bertyc @bertyc
Done well, fridges can be an excellent gallery to display notes, mementos, letters, photos, children's art and anything else pretty/memorable you'd like to display.  All those cool photos or postcards you don't have a place to display? Put them on the fridge and smile when you get your cheese out!  It's space saving and pretty!
Our fridge gallery is a mess.  To wit:
Fridge Curation
So I'm going to curate it and show you the process and hopefully turn it into a thing of beauty.
First take everything down but the magnets:
Fridge Curation
Then organize your magnets (we may have too many)
Pick out the best children's art:
Fridge CurationFridge Curation
Pick out a few nice postcards:
Fridge Curation
Or pick out some photos of family and friends:
Fridge Curation
I chose to color coordinate them.  I chose red/pink, yellow (vaguely), blue, black and white, and at the bottom, everything else.
Fridge CurationFridge Curation
Fridge CurationFridge Curation
Fridge Curation
And it's looking more organised already! Ok so it's still a little bit scruffy but I am going to add some more color coordinated bits, print some newer photos and choose some new fridge magnets.  I like these and these and I aim to fill that whole door. Fantastic.  Photos to come when it's looking even snazzier.
More inspiration at Pinterest here and here and here

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