Hair & Beauty Magazine

Friday’s Letters: You Hold Me Closer Than I Can Ever Remember Being Held

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic
Friday’s Letters: You hold me closer than I can ever remember being held

Dear time off work
It’s about time, huh? No words can express how HAPPY and refreshing it is to not have to be woken up my an alarm at some strange hour of the morning. I also look forward to the two weeks off just before my birthday. Much needed time off.

Dear August
Why you so busy?! Farewells, birthdays and other miscellaneous parties that require some odd getup. It’s already making me feel tired just looking at my work roster next to my social calendar. Sigh. #shiftworkerlife

Dear LC
Your chronic bitchface has been the greatest thing ever this week. Also, please refrain from scratching the crap out of linen, the carpet and my desk chair. You’re making things look shabby chic, instead of just chic.

Dear Andre
Why are you shedding so much this week?! It’s freaking me out! The amount of feathers you’ve lost can be made into a second Andre. I also don’t see the fascination of sleeping IN your mirror when you’ve many perches instead, but who am I to judge.

Dear Universe
What an amazing ride this week and I’m so thankful for the experience. Let’s have a smoother ride next week, please.

Dear happiness
I can’t even express how grateful I am that you’re on my side and how every single day – even with arseholes who try and ruin everything – I still manage to find you. Nothing – absolutely NOTHING – can bring me down.

Dear Mick
You are still my favorite and THANK YOU for this song… ♥

Friday’s Letters: You hold me closer than I can ever remember being held

Friday’s Letters: You hold me closer than I can ever remember being held


Friday’s Letters: You hold me closer than I can ever remember being held Friday’s Letters: You hold me closer than I can ever remember being heldLOVE (0) LIKE (0)

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