Hair & Beauty Magazine

Friday’s Letters: The Final Countdown

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic
Friday’s Letters: The final countdown

Dear Topher
It’s our final week together and I have mixed feelings about all of it. One one hand I am so happy for you that you’re going on a big adventure overseas on your own but on the other hand, I’m sad because it’s me who has to lose you. I know I’ll be far worse this time next week, but I just want you to know that you have my heart forever and no matter where you are in the world, you are still and always will be my best friend.

Dear Andre
You’ve been a grumpy little girl this week and I don’t understand why. Maybe you’re like every other female who has a bad week once a month.
Thank you for putting yourself to bed every night at 8pm, just so I don’t have to.

Dear LC
I know you get a little confused about Andre; you want to play with her but you know you can’t. I just warn that you always take precautions when you’re around her because you know even though she’s a little bird, she can kick your butt!

Dear Beach Burrito Company
You are going to make me fat! I am so excited that you’re only a block away from my house and work but honestly… you’re going to tempt me so much! Just like Messina and The Burger Joint. Damn you!

Dear sleep
I know I say this every week, but I really miss you.

Friday’s Letters: The final countdown

Friday’s Letters: The final countdown


Friday’s Letters: The final countdown

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