Hair & Beauty Magazine

Friday’s Letters: New Chapter

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic
Friday’s Letters: New chapter

Dear Zoe
This week has been a perfect example as to why we’re best friends. Even at 3am, you will still pick my calls. Thank you for everything!

Dear weight goal
I’m catching up to you fast! It feels good to heading down the right path now.

Dear LC
I hope you realize one day that walking all over me at the first signs of me waking up does NOT mean I’m going to rush out and feed you straight away. You have to stop thinking with your tummy. Other than that, you smell wonderfully of honey.

Dear Andre
You’re freaking me out with all this feather shedding! Slow down.

Dear new chapter
It’s not as depressing or sad as you anticipated. Shock horror, you’re actually HAPPY about it. Do some good things next week: go to the Easter Show, buy something nice for yourself, get that haircut you’ve been putting off for the last six months and buy that new handbag because it is getting embarrassing how you’re carrying around something that held together with safety pins.

Dear Topher
Your girls (myself, not included) miss you.

Friday’s Letters: New chapter

Friday’s Letters: New chapter


Friday’s Letters: New chapter

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