Hair & Beauty Magazine

Friday’s Letters: Give Me That Thing That I Love (I’ll Turn the Lights Out)

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic
Friday’s Letters: Give me that thing that I love (I’ll turn the lights out)

Dear Virus
You have been a thorn in my side for the last three weeks and it’s about time you just leave! It’s my birthday in a couple of weeks and I’d really appreciate you NOT being around and dampen the celebrations. Thanks.

Dear Andre
You’ve been in a better mood this week, I’m glad to say, but I don’t know why you’ve suddenly decided that my food is yours…? There are some foods you just shouldn’t eat – like chicken soup and eggs – but here you are helping yourself when I’m not looking. Maybe I shouldn’t give you so much freedom around this place.

Dear LC
Having to take you the vet before work and you being a brat in the waiting room wasn’t exactly the highlight of my week. You are also going on a diet next week. Because your doctor said so!

Dear Beach Burrito
You really have to stop making such delicious food and having $20 1L Sangria Sundays. The WORST best idea ever! Also teaming that up with Messina’s afterwards. I’m almost cursing the fact that you’re within two blocks from home and work sometimes.

Dear Mick
Shift worker life huh. Always keeping us apart. Soon enough we’ll get to hang out again. You’ve been the one friend I’ve missed the most this week.

Dear Steve
Thank you for saying my giggle is beautiful. Quiet easily the BEST compliment I’ve received this week.

Dear Time Off
Thank you for coming around because I was definitely starting to burn out. Almost nine months without any breaks is something I’m never going to repeat.

Dear Makeover
I have two weeks to get commence and complete. I’m SO excited about this change and new things coming into my life.

Dear ‘Topher’ Ring
Funny you showing up whilst culling my apartment. I remember how many compliments I got when wore you on my ring finger, how many people on Instagram LOVED the photo of it when I first had it made and said it was the most beautiful and thoughtful gesture of love they had ever seen. Oh yes, I remember it all.
My favorite memory of you was seeing you being thrown in the rubbish. Trash belong with trash.

Dear Favourite Jeans
My heart aches that you’ve finally ripped and died on me. You were the most complimented pair of jeans (because it was so well fitted around my butt) and the most comfortable EVER! I will never ever EVER find another pair like you. Thank you for being a part of my life for the last five years though. They were truly the greatest.

Dear Project X Pan
I’m going to have to start this up again, particularly with all the lip balms I already have and buying due to obsession and force of habit.

Friday’s Letters: Give me that thing that I love (I’ll turn the lights out)

Friday’s Letters: Give me that thing that I love (I’ll turn the lights out)


Friday’s Letters: Give me that thing that I love (I’ll turn the lights out) Friday’s Letters: Give me that thing that I love (I’ll turn the lights out)LOVE (0) LIKE (0)


  • Friday’s Letters: Pretty handsome awkward
  • Friday’s Letters: Burning out
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