Hair & Beauty Magazine

Friday’s Letters: Don’t Call Me ‘Baby’

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic
Friday’s Letters: Don’t call me ‘Baby’

Dear boys
Third week running and I’m still not taking any notice of your flirting. You’re as subtle as a truck and well… I just don’t care for it. While it is nice getting compliments on my new haircut or the fact that you’ve noticed I’m wearing a new shade of lipstick or that I’m wearing a nice skirt – I just don’t care for your small talk and your invites out anywhere. I am focusing on myself right now, so in the nicest possible way… FUCK OFF!

Dear LC
I am not happy with you this week. All you have done is terrorise poor Andre and I’m absolutely sick of shouting at you. Just leave your sister alone! Don’t sit on her cage when she’s sleeping, leave her to sit on my computer screen and just chill – she’s been sitting there for a month now – none of this is new.

Dear Andre
As much as this does sound awful – you are my favorite child this week. You’ve been nothing but a delight. I understand that you are grumpy and don’t want to a kiss or cuddle, but you are so very much loved.

Dear Candy Yum-Yum
You are, by far, my most complimented lipstick I own. I’ve worn you all week and I’m smitten!

Dear food
I don’t know why I can’t help but eat lots of you this week – even when I’m not even hungry! I feel like all the weight I had lost is creeping back up. Next week, it’s back to good food.

Dear alcohol & hangover
Oh dear god! I can’t even believe I had so much to drink on Saturday and what a mess I was on Sunday and even how crook I was on Monday morning either. Alcohol, you are evil and hangover, seriously… you need to give me a break. Simple things like getting a glass of water was immensely emotional.
I will not make this a habit but I did have a lot of fun with the people at work.

Dear new haircut
I’m in love with you! You were so worth getting up early and hungover on Sunday to get done. You’ve boost my self-esteem ten-fold.

Dear plum coloured nailpolish
I’m a fan. Maybe because it’s the on-trend color for Autumn but I’m hooked!

Dear Fall Out Boy
LOVE the new album! I downloaded it the day it was released and I’ve been listening to it ever since. Your new album was also the inspiration for me to buy external speakers with a subwoofer so I could shake the living jeebus out of my building.

Dear Ghost Adventures
Why, oh why did I stop watching you?! I’m so behind on the episodes but I’m hooked all over again! Zack Bagans, you dudes need to bring your show down under.


Friday’s Letters: Don’t call me ‘Baby’

Friday’s Letters: Don’t call me ‘Baby’


Friday’s Letters: Don’t call me ‘Baby’

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