Hair & Beauty Magazine

Friday’s Letters: Be the Backlash of Someone’s Lack of Love

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic

Dear Joe
Our life is going to get insanely busy starting this weekend. An engagement party, you meeting my family (properly), by November you’re going to be an uncle for the fifth time (and I’m SO excited I’m going to be an auntie too!)
I actually didn’t think it was physically possible to be happy every single day. But then you came along and you proved me wrong. Thank you for making me constantly smile this week.

Dear LC
So you celebrated a birthday last week. You are now 37 (cat years-old – that’s only 5 in human years) and your dad and I made sure you were spoilt rotten and fed when you wanted to – at 6am.

Dear Andre
Oh dear. You must be so jealous that your dad and I have been spoiling your sister, but I hope you know we don’t play favourites. We love you both the same.

Dear Shane Crone
Your movie on your beautiful partner moved me to tears! I’m so sorry for your loss and I sincerely hope your video changes how the world works.

Dear Sushi
I’m obsessed with you this week. I don’t mind forking out some extra cash to have a decent meal too.

Dear Dear Lemonade
Since when do I prefer you to Diet Coke? Like, never?

Dear Tim Burton
You know you’re my favorite director and I love your work, but if you fuck up Maleficent I’m going to be upset. She’s my all-time FAVOURITE Disney character. Over Ariel and Tigger. Please do her justice.

Dear Disney’s 1959 Sleeping Beauty movie
Yes, I’ve watched you every day this week. What of it?

Dear Motivation
I know you’re there! Can you please answer my calls. Cheers.

Dear Turkish Cherry Tea from T2
You’re my go-to this week. So good and perfect for the colder weather.

After much thought, I’ve decided to commence a massive overhaul of posts, upgrade and new coat of paint to make you look more chic. It’ll be an immense task, but I’m ready for it. Time to grow up a little.

Talking about lunch…

Reese: I feel like sushi
Joe: I feel like sushi too. Cooked meat wrapped in pastry type of sushi.

Friday’s Letters: Be the backlash of someone’s lack of love


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