Fresh look colourblends in green* from Get LensesHaving spent the majority of the past seven years as a blonde, I've always wondered what it would be like to have lighter coloured eyes. I'm really lucky in the fact that I can pull off any hair color ranging from black to blonde, only having to adjust my tone of blusher and the amount of eye make-up I wear. Because of that reason I wondered if the same applied if I had a lighter eye colour, so when BBB offered me the chance to try out coloured contact lenses I jumped at the chance, and choose green as my new eye color.The product arrived promptly two days after I order it. The packaging isn't the most eye catching (excuse the pun!) but I don't know what I really expected for contact lense packaging? The contacts themselves are individually wrapped in a foil sealed pack with sterile solution, I found the pack quiet hard to open, and ended up spilling a lot of the solution so I would probably recommend opening them over the sink. The actual contacts look quiet scary like something you would see in jars in a horror film, but never mind that, lets talk about putting them in. I've never wore contact lenses in my life, and honestly thought that putting a flimsy little thing in my eye would be a doddle, how wrong I was. I spent 45 minutes trying various methods of trying to get it into my eye until it unfortunately fell to the floor and was no longer deemed usable. Because of this I unfortunately have no pictures of me with green eyes, I can't tell you what they felt like in, whether they were comfortable or not. Personally I would advise and recommend these to people that wear or have in the past used contacts as you will probably find this much easier to use.Have you used coloured contact lenses? What are your tricks for putting them in? I'd love to know! - TWITTER - FACEBOOK - TUMBLR - BLOGLOVIN' - LOOKBOOK - HELLO COTTON -"believe in yourself"