Lifestyle Magazine

Free Wedding Calligraphy Samples and Your Exclusive Discount

By Claire

How to get your free cal­lig­ra­phy tags

I’ll be send­ing out lit­tle tags next week, to any­one who asks to see one! All you need to do is email me your names, wed­ding date and postal address. The sam­ples are free if you’re in the UK and will be writ­ten by hand, in beau­ti­ful cal­lig­ra­phy, just for you.

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An exclu­sive dis­count for Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog readers

Etsy coupon code HAPPYDAYS — enter this code at the checkout

If you’re get­ting mar­ried in 2013 you can claim this 10% dis­count from today. I’m offer­ing every­one 10% off the price of my wed­ding place name cards, tags and escort cards. Order online in my Etsy shop or email me to make a book­ing for Sep­tem­ber onwards. Even if your wed­ding isn’t for a few months, I will be happy to take a book­ing based on your approx­i­mate guest num­bers. The dis­count can be applied to all orders worth £100 or more.

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luggage tags manilla calligraphy (4)

My Etsy shop:

My email address:

luggage tags manilla calligraphy (1)

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