New make-up New make-up must use it all. haha. So went i went shopping yesterday i picked up a few new make up items and used them in this look. Products used: - Gosh Face Primer - Dainty doll Foundation - Derma Pallete Concealer - ELF HD Powder - Sleek Contour Kit - HD Brow Pallete - MAC Eyeshadow - Cranberry, Embark, Carbon - MAC Black liner (cannot remember the make/name) - MAC Creme D'Nude - Collection 2000 Black Liner - Lancome Hypnose Mascara
To recreate the look i took it off a pixiwoo Kristen Stewart tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlG8YZ9w-1I&list=PLE13848E2547A1181&index=2&feature=plpp_video

Much Love