Samsung pays Apple $1 billion sending 30 trucks full of 5 cents coins

Created on 29 August 2012 by Jesusmsanchezl

Samsung vs AppleThis morning more than 30 trucks filled with 5-cent coins arrived at Apple’s headquarters in California. Initially,  the security company that protects the facility said the trucks were in the wrong place, but minutes later, Tim Cook (Apple CEO) received a call from Samsung CEO explaining that  they will pay $1 billion dollars for the fine recently ruled against the South Korean company in this way.

the funny part is that the signed document does not specify a single payment method, so Samsung is entitled to send the creators of the iPhone their billion dollars in the way they deem best.

Lee Kun-Hee

This dirty but genius geek troll play is a new headache to Apple executives as they will need to put in long hours counting all that money, to check if it is all there and to try to deposit it crossing fingers to hope a bank will accept all the coins.

Lee Kun-hee, Chairman of Samsung Electronics, told the media that his company is not going to be intimidated by a group of “geeks with style” and that if they want to play dirty, they also know how to do it.

You can use your coins to buy refreshments at the little machine for life or melt the coins to make computers, that’s not my problem, I already paid them and fulfilled the law.

A total of 20 billion coins, delivery hope to finish this week.

Let’s see how Apple will respond to this.

You didn’t think this could be real right? but hey! you loved it :D

By neojon
posted on 29 August at 23:43
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I have some times bouncing ball effect.Are they going to sue me?

By wink
posted on 29 August at 23:07
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Samsung is the best than the Iphone 4.

By barry at tips get girls
posted on 29 August at 22:30
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funniest story i have read in a very long time :)

By ahmedhussam
posted on 29 August at 21:25
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‎2nd problem is how to get rid of this amount i doubt that any bank will accept this kind and amount of money so it can be rid off by series of deals with big retailers all over USA and exchange it with bigger notes and retailers will accept coins because it is needed as change and so apple still can use the money

By ahmedhussam
posted on 29 August at 21:24
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f it is true it is counted as a very good move from SAMSUNG but this obstacle can be overcome with simple ideas 1st problem is counting 1 b+ dollars in small coins it can be achieved and with a very quick way by weighting the coin bugs instead of counting them assuming that bugs are coming from bank so by weighting each bug and dividing bug total weight by single 5 cent coin weight you can get no. of coins inside one bug very easly

By samsung stinksssssssss
posted on 29 August at 21:10
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what are you going to do samsung throw me your clone of iphone at me

By ronyasif
posted on 29 August at 21:09
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Lolz... Samsun become fool again. Collecting 20 billion coins and loading those coins after a thorough counting were the most troublesome job for them; besides paying the huge transportation bill decides who wins...:)

By stephenmedawar
posted on 29 August at 20:22
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$1B in nickles would weigh 220,462,262 lbs.

By nemoroger
posted on 29 August at 20:03
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this is so dumb, why would you take the time to write a fake article?? i don't get it

By asghar
posted on 29 August at 19:48
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I like to salute the idea of Samsung, Now Apple needs space in their offices to safeguard coins.

About the author

Jesusmsanchezl 47053 shares