No matter how or when you become a mother there are two lives being created; the life within the confines of the expectant mother’s body, and the life being formed within the confines of her soul.
New Life Within is a series of forty inspiring stories form women of all different walks of life. Every woman’s experience with motherhood is unique and life-altering. What bonds these women together is the belief that every life is precious. Whether you have welcomed motherhood with open arms or found yourself unexpected with child, we want to welcome you to the greatest job you will ever hold.
It is our hope that these stories will serve as a source of inspiration and hope to all who read them. Now only will the book help to encourage women in motherhood, 20% of book proceeds will go to support an organization that serves women in a multitude of ways including transitional housing, provision of tangible need (such as baby supplies), counseling, job placement, and continuing education help.
Our hope is that this book will serves as a source of inspiration for women who may be struggling as well as a blessing to a great network that ministers to them. Together we can provide support and love for women and children. Together we can empower women to choose life and to realize that every life is precious.