Attention Beauty Lovers. Welcome to the next Beauties On Fire themed link-up. If you don’t know about Beauties on Fire, make sure to check out this post. Our next theme was decided via a Twitter poll. Anyone could vote and our winner was…”Forgotten Favorites.” All the AMAZING #beautiesonfire members have written posts with their own spin on the Forgotten Favorites theme.
If you haven’t joined the Beauties on Fire Facebook Group yet, where have you been? Note: You DON”T need to take part in the collab to be a part of the group. We have become a total fashion and beauty blogger support group! We would totally love to have you!
When I think of Forgotten Favorites, I think of products I used to love and have forgotten. That is exactly what this post will be about. It is all about the stuff I loved growing up and have forgotten about until now. What are some of your favorites items from the past that you have totally forgotten about? I would love to hear them! Let me know in the comments below!
Let the memories begin! Check out this list of forgotten favorites! #blogger #memory
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Also, make sure you check out all the links below and show some love (come back often to see which bloggers have posted). They are seriously so amazing. I know you will love reading them as much I have. Also, we are always accepting new members and anyone can join (see post above or rules below). Make sure you check out the previous week’s #beautiesonfire “Nature” link-up if you missed it.
My Forgotten Favorites:

1.) Barbies
I was totally obsessed with Barbies growing up. I always wanted the latest ones and loved to style them. I had so many barbie clothes and loved going to flea markets to get custom made clothes. Yes, I was that crazy!
2.) Hotwheels
I had a girlie side to me that loved Barbies, but I also had a tom-boy side. I LOVED Hotwheels. If I wasn’t asking for Barbies for Christmas, I was asking for Hotwheels. I have two brothers so I was always playing with them. We would build huge tracks and have competitions. It was so much fun.
3.) Tamagotchi
I am sure many of you 90’s babies know this product! I totally had one (actually 2) and I loved playing with it. I totally loved watching my little guy grow up and loved feeding him. My poor parents would stay up at night taking care of the poop and feeding while I slept. Lucky for them, I stopped playing with them (haha)!
4.) Bananas In Pyjamas
Okay, this was my show! The song was so catchy and I just loved everything about the Bananas! My brothers and I would go around the house singing the song in our pajamas. I just loved all the adventures they would go on! I added an episode to jog your memory. If you have never heard of this show, you have now!
Haha! Do You Remember Banans In Pyjamas?!!!
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5.) Sally Hanson Diamond Lip Treatment
These were my jam as a tween. My friends and I tried to collect them all. You weren’t cool unless you has at least 10 of them in your purse.
6.) Victoria Secret Makeup + Secret Fantasy Products
Another one of my beauty obsessions as a kid. I LOVED VS makeup and body products. I would wait for the semi-annual sales to stock up on all their beauty and body products. I would seriously save all my money for this sale. I went crazy! At least half of my makeup collection was VS makeup.
7.) Gel Pens
I collected these and had over 1,000 gel pens. I was totally obsessed. I had a huge container with every color you could imagine. I loved the swirl pens the best (the ones with 2+ colors swirled around). I used them all the time and even traded them at school.
8.) Yo-Yo
In elementary school, I was obsessed with yo-yos. I had a few yo-yo books and would practice doing tricks all day long. They were even banned from my school because kids would get hurt trying tricks. They were also very distracting but so much fun!
9.) Bike
I was always riding my bike as a kid. I loved riding it up and down the driveway. We lived on a fairly busy road so I wasn’t allowed to ride my bike on the street. Thankfully, we had a long driveway. I totally need to start riding bikes again.
10.) Clue – The Game
I LOVED this game so much! I would play it constantly with my family. I always wanted to be the murderer (I promise I am not crazy) and wanted no one to figure it out. I didn’t win the game very often, but I loved playing it!
11.) Big Comfy Couch
Another one of my favorite shows as a kid. I loved Molly and Loonette! I also loved when the dust bunnies would make their appearance. I totally wished my couch has all the stuff that the Big Comfy Couch had. This show was just so awesome. Youtube has so many episodes. I am totally going to rewatch them (haha)!
12.) Guess Who?
Omgsh, was I obsessed with this game?!! I would play it for hours on end. I was actually pretty good at it too. I usually won!
13.) Hair Mousse + Hair Gel
My go to style as a tween was scrunched hair. I would drown my hair with mousse and gel so that it would last all day. It literally was so hard and crunchy, but I loved it.
14.) Stuffed Animals
I totally collected stuffed animals when I was a kid. I could barely fit on my bed because I would be surrounded by so many. Remember Beanie Babies? I would sleep with all those too!
15.) Makeup Books
My obsession with makeup started at a very young age. I collected makeup books and would read them front to back. I soaked in all the information and would constantly buy more. I dreamed of being a famous makeup artist and a dermatologist at the same time.
Do you remember any of this stuff? Were they your favorites too? What are some of your forgotten favorites? Let me know in the comments below!

Please make sure to read all the linked posts below. We would love for you to show some love and spread the word. Also, share the posts to any of your social media accounts if you enjoyed them. We would love to have you join Beauties On Fire and grow your beauty/fashion blogs with us! Note: You don’t need to participate in the link-up to join Beauties on Fire. Learn how to grow your online presence with new topics every week (in the Facebook Group). Come Join Us!
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