So, what could be more random than a post about McDonald's? How about a post about McDonald's Happy Meal toys? You wouldn't know it by looking at Baby J, but he is a junk food connoisseur. He's long and lean and can outrun just about anyone I know, but the boy can sure pack away the calories. I try to fill him up with good, nutritious meals and snacks but sometimes a mom's gotta do what a mom's got to do...

On days when I pick the "girl" toy, I am met with funny looks by the window clerk because I have two boys in my back seat. It's just silly. I let my kids play with whatever toys interest them the most as long as the toys aren't dangerous or developmentally inappropriate. I think it's all about balance and I see no problems with Baby J playing with trucks AND pretending to put baby doll to sleep. On our last trip to McD's, I picked the "girl" toy - a My Little Pet Shop bobble head thing because the "boy" toy was a violent-looking action figure of some sort. He loves it and so does Bean. I think it's the googly looking eyes. And yes, I got that funny look. But whatever.

In actuality, all of McDonald's toys are junk. And why do they even bother trying to make decisions about what my kids play with. That's my job. Baby J is three. He'll play with anything and have fun doing it. As long as it is safe and he may possibly get something out of doing it, it's fair game. I don't understand why they spend money making a variety of cheap, junky toys to which they ascribe their preferred gender roles when they could do something like Chick-fil-a and offer one quality item like a book or CD. Then again, I have major issues with Chick-fil-a, too and their so called, "family values." I guess I could avoid this issue altogether if I didn't take Baby J to fast food restaurants in the first place, right?
Ok. Back to your regularly scheduled Friday afternoon activities. Happy April, happy Friday and happy weekend!