Health Magazine

Foods and Habits That Cause Kidney Stone

Posted on the 03 April 2014 by Health_news

Foods and habits that cause kidney stone

Balance is the keyword for overcoming many issues associated with the human body. Many problems with digestive functions of humans are traced to have been caused by an imbalance in the system. Solutions to such unwanted situations are found by a holistic approach. Kidney stone is one such disorder, on which considerable information is available.

A kidney stone, as the name suggests, is a solid piece, caused by accumulation of substances in kidney and urinary tract. The stones, when small in dimension, are washed out. However, many a times the formed stone is stuck in the urinary passage, resulting in often painful blockages. The resultant situation may be bleeding and a stoppage of urine flow. Extensive study is done on this disorder to find symptoms, causes, preventive measures and cures. Medical researchers, pathologists, dieticians have all contributed to certain definitive findings.

Persons, who experience symptoms of kidney stone disorder, are those who are susceptible to such occurrences. Food intake type should be a primary concern for them to fend themselves from these painful situations. Formation of calcium oxalate crystals has to be avoided. A combination of calcium and phosphorus also produce kidney stones. People suffering from kidney stone problems, need to undergo medical tests, to find whether they are indeed prone to this disorder.

  • Consumption of excessive animal protein is a major source for kidney stone formation. Fish, eggs or meat have abundant proteins to trigger emergence of stones, initially in the form of insoluble crystals. They also increase uric acid generation in the system. Excess uric acid in the body may end up in stone formation.  Staying away from such food would always be helpful.
  • Foods which are rich in oxalates or phosphorus need to be avoided. Spinach, certain nuts, beets are typical examples of oxalate rich entities. Cocoa powder is example of phosphorus rich food. The intake of such ingredients needs to be moderated to optimum level.
  • Food with high sodium is another element which needs scrutiny. The presence of higher amounts of sodium in the body causes a resultant increase in calcium in the kidneys. Table salt, certain salad dressings, cured meat, chickpeas, pulses have high sodium content. A life free from kidney stone problems is possible with avoidance of the mentioned items.
  • Sugar rich foods are also known to increase probability of kidney stones. Desserts, canned juices of all varieties, candies and similar items are having copious quantities of sugar. Their consumption needs to be curtailed to minimize the tendency to form stones in the kidney or urinary tracts.
  • Vitamin C, when administered in higher quantities into the human body, is reported to have caused kidney stones in some cases. It is inferred that Vitamin C gets converted to oxalates.

Thus, it is imperative for people to avoid such food items, which are known to cause kidney stones. A chart for oxalate content or phosphorus content or sodium content in various food varieties is available to medical practitioners and dieticians. A judicious choice must be made to arrive at the right conclusions.

The simplest effective cure cum prevention therapy for kidney stones is the intake of plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water helps in flushing out the stones, particularly when they are tiny. Consumption of certain citrus drinks is also found beneficial in treating stone problems.

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