Fashion Magazine

Foodie Pen Pals | March Reveal

By Kerysmarie @littleboblab
Foodie Pen Pals | March reveal   A'up darlin's   First off, major apologies for not posting in ages. I've been working full time thanks to Trinity being absolutely crazy busy with the opening few weeks, and we also don't have Internet set up at the man pad yet either so if I want to blog I have to shimmy on down to Caffe Nero! - Well, I suppose that not all bad though eh?   Anyways I know I'm super late but I thought I'd finally get round to showing you what I received from my first month with Foodie Pen Pals. A few weeks ago I posted (see here) about what I sent to Stacey over at Nobody Said It Was Easy & you can also check out what she thought of what I sent here too.   This month I received my package from the lovely Lizzie, who sadly doesn't have a blog.
& after answering a detailed email about my likes & dislikes, I asked Lizzie to send me a package of all her favorite things (as I am really easy to please & there is not much I won't eat or try at least once!)
Foodie Pen Pals | March reveal
Foodie Pen Pals | March reveal
Foodie Pen Pals | March reveal
Foodie Pen Pals | March reveal   Foodie Pen Pals | March reveal   Lizzie has been kind enough to send me a really nice range of unusual treats & cooking bits!   Simon Rimmer Falafel mix Montezuma Butterscotch chocolate Naked Gingerbread Panda lemon filled liquorish  Biona Organic Thai chili paste Somaq spice mix Captain tiptoes Cajun spiced nuts   I was really intrigued when I received my package, it smelt really spicy! & I have to admit at a first glance the Somaq really puzzled me. I am a bit of a foodie but I had no idea what it was, however after a little research I've discovered that its a subtle sour noted spice that goes amazing with rice, in yogurt and over meat as a seasoning (so I can't wait to try it!)    The  nuts were amazing, & literally lasted a few hours whilst I was revising yesterday. They were yummmmmmy & I'll definitely be seeking these out again. As for the naked ginger bread, that lasted seconds as soon as Creature spied it on the kitchen counter. He is as sucker for anything ginger & from what I made out from the "mmmm's" in-between bites, I think he liked it!   I've also already eat the butterscotch chocolate. I'm not a massive chocolate eater, but when I do eat it I prefer the higher percentage of cocoa, so Lizzie (although she didn't know this) did amazingly well with choosing a chocolate I really enjoy. I have to admit I didn't really taste the butterscotch but it definitely made the dark chocolate slightly sweeter and it was absolutely delicious!   The Falafel mix is something I can't wait to try too, I've loved Falafel ever since I discovered Prets hot wraps, so I'm really looking forward to trying out making my own.
The Thai chili paste is something I'm going to try out in some Asian inspired soups I've researched into (thanks to a handy suggestion on the packaging)   _____________________________________________________   Overall I was so happy & surprised by my package. It was really nice to be given a few things I've never tried before & being the ever adventurous foodie, I'm buzzing to get on with my new found recipe ideas! & of course I'll share them in my Recipe of the Week/Month posts too!   This month I'll be sending to Bridget at From a Country Cottage all the way from Ireland! & I'm not entirely sure who is sending to me yet, I'm still awaiting word from my months partner.
Bridget has been kind enough to answer all my questions already and I have a little bit of a challenge on my hand with her being a Veggie, but thankfully I have a few vegetarian friends so I'll be seeking advice and flavor tips from them to hopefully send Bridget an awesome package. (I think this maybe her first month too! As she mentioned she was a newbie)   
If you would like to sign up to Foodie Pen Pals (& I seriously recommend you do) click here for more information.
What do you think of the nibbles I received this month?
Is Foodie Pen Pals something you'd try getting involved with?
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Foodie Pen Pals | March reveal

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