Food & Drink Magazine

Foodie Pen Pals February

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

Hi guys! I’m so excited February 28th is finally here!!!


Yes in deedee!

So if you don’t know about Foodie Pen Pals… here’s the deets. Lindsay over at the Lean Green Bean hosts the Foodie Pen Pals every month. You simply submit your name, email address, twitter handle, and blog address (if you have one, no blog required) and she’ll match you with one person to send $15.00 worth of goodies to and one person to receive $15.00 worth of goodies from.

This was my first month so I have been C-R-A-Z-Y excited to open my goodie envelope. I decided to increase the suspense and open this morning.


This picture is proof that I wore the envelope on my head while discovering what was in my envelope…


Look at all this loot!

My Pen Pal Stephanie blogs at Run For Fun and boy is she an AWESOME runner. I have serious mile envy. She’s such an expert.

Stephanie defintiely did her research because she didn’t send me anything with dairy products, whey or casein. SCORE. And she sent me a massive box of starbursts. Ohhhh Stephanie!!!


I’m really excited for all the new things I’m going to get to try.




I think her sister or someone close to her makes these super cute Bondi Bands because the business card that came with it had the same last name as hers… aren’t you very impressed with my sleuthing skills?!?!



She’s such a good runner she even sent me a chafing stick, which I may or may not have mistaken for deodorant at first…




OMG I’m dying to try this bar. Pretzels and chocolate, I’M THERE!!!


Now… because I’ve been undeniably MIA for over a week, I know you all are craving something extremely important in your lives.

I know every day has been in such disarray, you’ve felt lost and incomplete.

Here’s your daily dose of…

Red heart
Jeep Love!!!
Red heart


Ohhh, hubba hubba!

I’m going to believe that no one can live without a glimpse of her for at least 3 thousand more days.


and for breakfast this morning I had a medium cup o’ joe. I can’t make my own at home yet because I don’t have a coffee maker anymore.


I like McDonalds coffee. Please don’t judge me.


Tell me about you!!! I want to know…

What was the last thing you wore on your head that was not actual head wear?

you all saw it…

Are you a breakfast person?

More on this topic later.

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