Lifestyle Magazine

Focus On… Tears and Laughter from Grooms!

By Claire

I was read­ing You & Your Wed­ding mag­a­zine yes­ter­day, and look­ing at the real wed­dings in there. The printed mag­a­zines allo­cate less space to their real cou­ples’ fea­tures than most of the top blogs do — it’s all part of the busi­ness model (read more of my thoughts on wed­ding mag­a­zines). It means they show lots of images of ‘things’ and details in their real wed­ding fea­tures, and very few pho­tos of the bride and groom, or of the key moments in a wed­ding day.

I think this is a shame. Plan­ning your cer­e­mony and recep­tion down to the finest detail is loads of fun — choos­ing table dec­o­ra­tions and quirky signs, buy­ing jars of sweets and plan­ning flow­ers is all great. But when you look back on your wed­ding day in years to come, it’s the mag­i­cal moments you’ll remem­ber: the walk down the aisle, the moment your eyes meet… and the look on his face, whether it’s a crazy grin or hold­ing back tears.

Can you imag­ine how the moment will play out on your big day? Here are some of the most beau­ti­ful images of emo­tional grooms to make you smile, cry and look for­ward to your wed­ding day. Enjoy…

emotional bridegrooms

Focus on… emo­tional grooms — this is a won­der­ful pic­ture and I love that this groom is hold­ing back the tears as his bride makes her entrance, smil­ing at the guests. Photo credit Neale James

Focus on… joy and tears from grooms on their wed­ding day

emotional bridegrooms

Focus on… emo­tional grooms — a deep breath as the moment arrives. Photo credit Mar­tin Hambleton

emotional bridegrooms

Focus on… emo­tional grooms — cool, calm and col­lected but this groom’s expres­sion speaks vol­umes. Photo credit Aaron Collett

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Focus on… emo­tional grooms — this image projects sheer hap­pi­ness. Won­der­ful! Photo credit Emma B Photography

emotional bridegrooms

Focus on… emo­tional grooms — hold­ing back the tears. This one actu­ally makes me cry as I can’t help imag­in­ing his beau­ti­ful bride fol­low­ing suit! Photo credit Jonny Draper Photography

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Focus on… emo­tional grooms — a manly hug, with love and sup­port. Photo credit James and Lianne Wed­ding Photography

emotional bridegrooms

Focus on… emo­tional grooms — hap­pi­ness and hold­ing the emo­tions in — this pic­ture makes me smile! I love it. Photo credit Shut­ter­leaf Photography

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Focus on… emo­tional grooms — after the cer­e­mony, a big cel­e­bra­tion! (As, of course, it should be!) Photo credit Light­works Photography

UK weddings photography

Focus on… emo­tional grooms — another very happy mar­ried man! Love this. Photo credit Mar­tin Price

UK weddings photography

Focus on… emo­tional grooms — “Hap­pi­ness is.… this smile.” Photo credit Pix­ies in the Cellar

All of these images have been sent to me by pho­tog­ra­phers in the UK. I received dozens of sub­mis­sions for this fea­ture (and for the Focus On… series of blog posts in gen­eral) and I’d like to thank all of the pho­tog­ra­phers who shared their images for us to enjoy. The pic­tures shown here are my per­sonal favourites, and I encour­age you to see more on the pho­tog­ra­phers’ own blogs. You’ll find links below.

With thanks for these very spe­cial moments to some of my favorite UK wed­ding photographers:

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