Lifestyle Magazine

Focus On… Magical Moments Before and After Your Wedding Ceremony

By Claire

I can only imag­ine the excite­ment and nerves as you both arrive at your venue and pre­pare, know­ing there’s moments to go… but it must be amaz­ing to look for­ward to the ‘kiss the bride’ moment, or to walk­ing back down the aisle hand in hand and grin­ning at your guests…

Here are my favorite 10 wed­ding pho­tos cap­tur­ing those mag­i­cal moments before and after your wed­ding ceremony…

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Mag­i­cal moments — the bride’s excite­ment is pain to see. Guests smile and admire the dress; Dad’s arm is strong for her to hold and we all watch over the groom’s shoul­der. Photo credit Phil Drinkwater

wedding photography by Martin Hambleton

I love this image because it’s dif­fer­ent: a bride and her flower girl make their way to the cer­e­mony. Shar­ing some­thing this spe­cial is what it’s all about, and nei­ther the bride or her lit­tle girl will ever for­get their moment together today. Photo credit Mar­tin Hambleton

bride and father of the bride

This wed­ding pho­to­graph cap­tures the solem­nity and nerves of the moment as a bride walks into the church with her Dad. They’re moments away from the groom as he waits, and both are feel­ing in awe of the occa­sion. A beau­ti­ful moment, once again shared by Mar­tin Hambleton

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Mag­i­cal moments — after the cer­e­mony. Guests applaud, the bride grins, the groom smiles shyly but as if he is just about keep­ing a lid on how hugely happy he’s feel­ing! I love this! Photo credit Neale James

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Mag­i­cal moments — a very clear and straight to the point sig­nal of tri­umph from the groom! All the nerves of the day so far turn into delight as you join hands and walk down the aisle as man and wife — this is fab. Photo credit Neale James

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I find myself smil­ing every time I look at this image — it’s hap­pi­ness, and relief, and love all rolled into one. The bride and groom’s smiles as they turn and see their guests cel­e­brat­ing with them are mag­i­cal. Photo credit Mar­tin Bed­dall (mcbweddings)

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Another image of a bride and groom within moments of get­ting mar­ried — the bride’s delight as she sees a friend in church; the groom’s smile to a friend on the other side of the aisle; the guest with an iPhone cap­tur­ing her own pho­to­graph of the happy cou­ple… I love this! Photo credit Emma Billsborough

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Mag­i­cal moments — in this image it’s the expres­sions you see at first, and then the hands… there’s a def­i­nite “yay” from the bride, a huge grin from the groom, and hands held tightly with the last few nerves from the build up to the wed­ding just slip­ping away. Love it! Photo credit Simon Hudspeth

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Mag­i­cal moments after a wed­ding cer­e­mony. The excite­ment and love is plain for all to see — and noth­ing beats a lit­tle touch of fore­heads… this is so roman­tic! Photo credit Steven Carter Hewson

This is the third episode of my ‘Focus On’ series of wed­ding blog posts. I really want to show that wed­ding blogs aren’t all about quirky, vin­tage details. As a blog­ger I love the romance and mag­i­cal moments of a wed­ding day as much as I do the spe­cial touches you cre­ate to per­son­alise your wed­ding. Today, Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog is all about the mag­i­cal moments before and after your wed­ding ceremony.

Imag­ine those last few sec­onds with your Dad and your brides­maids out­side your church or cer­e­mony room, straight­en­ing your dress and arrang­ing your veil, or tak­ing deep breaths as the door opens for you…

Imag­ine wait­ing for her at the front of the room, with all of your guests behind you, eyes on you. The whis­per of sound as every­one turns to see your bride, and your heart in your mouth as the most beau­ti­ful woman you’ve ever seen begins her walk down the aisle towards you…

And within a mat­ter of min­utes you’re mar­ried. Together for­ever, rings on fin­gers and seal­ing the moment with a kiss. You turn together to applause and happy smiles from all of your guests — close fam­ily at the front, friends and rel­a­tives lin­ing the aisle… and ready to cel­e­brate with you. A moment of tri­umph and purest hap­pi­ness. What could be better?

You’ll get to see the venue styling and decor later. For now, it’s time to focus on the mag­i­cal moments that really make a wed­ding. Because it’s all about the love, the friend­ship, and the moments that count.

With thanks to these lovely wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers for shar­ing such fab­u­lous images which cap­tured the spe­cial moments:

 Pre­vi­ous episodes from ‘Focus On…’

  • Focus On… the moments that really make a wedding
  • Aisle moments — at the altar

Focus on… magical moments before and after your wedding ceremony

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