Current Magazine

Foam Finger Still #1! (According To Foam Fingers Everywhere)

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

The Wrap reports that the man credited with inventing the foam finger said Miley Cyrus “took an honorable icon that is seen in sporting venues everywhere and degraded it…”

3 Questions That Arise From This Story

1. How does the inventor really know foam fingers are honorable? Since they’re in sporting venues everywhere, and that includes everywhere that teams are not number one, is the foam finger not really prone to dishonorable exaggeration, much like pro athletes exaggerate how much integrity they have while they’re secretly using performance enhancing drugs?

2. Or is it honorable because foam is an environmentally-friendly product that will never ever wind up in a landfill? Not even after the Houston Astros current season!

3. What other honorable icons can we find in stadiums, by this definition? Couples on a bad first date on a jumbo screen kiss cam? Perhaps someone on the date could have used a finger that indicates #1, as in number of dates these people will ever go on together. Problem solved for future kiss cam awkward moments!

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