I don't often write about fitness here, but you may have noticed my posts lately have been more focused on healthy eating (or at least healthier than I had been). You also may be wondering why I decided to combine a post about spinning and juice bars - because they are popping up all over Boston and while it may seem like one is just as good as another, that's not necessarily the case. These are my favorites.
Why Flywheel is the Best Spinning Studio in Boston
I held out on buying a membership to Flywheel for a while. I had a ClassPass membership, which is a great deal and there are so many spinning studios that participate you could easily spin every day even with the three class per studio per month limit. I tried nearly every studio in Boston, and started regularly supplementing my ClassPass membership with a class here and there at my top few. But over time I realized that not only was Flywheel the nicest studio with stadium seating, filtered water, healthy snacks and more comfortable seats, but I was consistently burning more calories. On average I burn 600-700 calories in a 45 minute class, which is significantly more than other studios. The reason: Flywheel's torque board.
Unlike other spinning studios, Flywheel's bikes include a digital display of your speed, torque (resistance), current power, and total points earned throughout class. Knowing how fast I should be going and exactly how much I should turn my resistance up ensures that I'm working as hard as I should be, when at other studios I'm just guessing. There's also a leader board based on the top ten male and female riders with the most points. This definitely pushes you to work harder if you're competitive, and since I'm relatively new my goal is usually just to make it onto the board! If you accumulate enough points in a month you win prizes and early booking privileges, which are also a nice perk. If you haven't already tried Flywheel, I highly recommend checking them out. You will notice a difference!
Why Revolution is My Favorite Juice Bar in Boston
I love treating myself to a green juice or a smoothie after a great workout, and like spinning studios juice bars seem to be popping up all over Boston. However, they aren't all the same. I recently discovered my new favorite when I stopped into Revolution Juice this weekend.
What impressed me most about Revolution was the selection and extensive list of ingredients. They had a menu of green juices, fruit juices, root juices, smoothies, dateorades (drinks made with dates), and coffees and teas. There were lots of interesting ingredients like mint, basil, and dandelion. They also have vegan soups, acai bowls, and plan to offer baby food in the future! Although I'm not a mom, I have to admit that is pretty cool! So far I've tried the Easy Green juice with spinach, kale, cucumber, apple, pineapple, and lemon, which was delicious, and I can't wait to go back for more!