Music Magazine

FLUX Present: OFF Records Tour – All Day Terrace Party

Posted on the 27 May 2011 by Pelski
FLUX present: OFF Records Tour – all day terrace party
Flux are putting on a tasty all-day event in Leeds at Stinkys Peephouse on Wednesday, June 1.
Presenting an enviable lineup, Flux present an OFF Records label tour - a booking that promises to bring a wave of Balearic summer vibes to Leeds for an all day, all night rave.
2:00pm - 6:00am
Line up
Andre Crom (OFF, Freerange, De)
Thyladomid (OFF, VIVa, De)
Huxley (OFF, Tsuba, UK)
Special guests:
Darius Syrossian (VIVa MUSIC, Area Remote, 8 Bit)
James Barnsley (Get Physical, BacktoBasics)
Jonny Cade (Loco, Kolour)
Matt Long (Fina, Monocult)
Annie Errez & Bobby O'Donnell (System)
David Martin (Technique)
Kym Flamingo (iDiOSYNC)
Flux residents & friends:
Persian // Aartekt // Jasmin & Emilka // Freddie Campbell // Eoin Thomas
Blackbox hosted by LALOOP & Butter Side Up:
Angus Jefford // Ali Coul // Hamish Cole // Jonny Sleight // Hugh Bailey
RA exclusive:
Earlybird - sold out
Advance - £10
Guestlist - £10
Door - £12

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