Each May the streets of Chelsea, London are filled with amazingly gorgeous window displays made completely out of flowers in association of the yearly Chelsea Flower Show. This year marked the 10th anniversary of ‘Chelsea in Bloom’ and the neighbourhood retailers cherished this year’s theme ‘Fairy Tales’ with once again superbly amazing results. I just love to walk down King’s Road or Sloane Street and gush at the breathtaking displays. All made of flowers. How is that possible?! How did they make that?! This year one of my absolute favourites is Kate Spade with the pink flamingos. How can you not like pink flamingos? Browns with their Cinderella and the gold pumpkin carriage also managed to take my breath away.
Have a look at some of my favourites and be amazed! Also make a mental mark in your calendar if you happen to be in London next May to visit ‘Chelsea in Bloom‘ around Sloane Square.

Photos: Fashion Addicted Foodies