Fashion Magazine
<EN> Ever since I changed the name of my blog into I Heart Black I'm wearing anything but black. Let's blame it on summer. Recently I became really fond of flower prints and pairing this H&M skirt with a simple white shirt and some colorful heels seemed the right thing to do. The story about the Zara heels (I told you about here) started when I saw these babies on sale in Bucharest in a random Zara store. I didn't really liked them on red ( nude or black for a change would have been better) but I knew I could exchange them in any other Zara store. Spent an entire day going from one store to another just to see that they don't have them anymore. Then I thought I can exchange them in my home town. Went to the store, no shoe found in store or in stock. Then I decided to just wear them and get comfortable with red. Went to the same Zara 1 (one!) day after, found my size in Nude. One week after found my size in Black. I wasn't going to buy them in every color (not that crazy about this Oh! so popular model) but still. Don't forget about the Giveaway on Facebook (click HERE) which ends today at midnight. <RO> Asa nu imi place cand citesc pe alte bloguri texte in doua limbi si sunt traduceri ad litteram, din engleza in romana de exemplu. Cred ca cea mai mare provocare pe care am avut-o cand am fost plecata pe meleaguri staine a fost sa exprim glumele si hazul romanesc in engleza. Nu zic ca nu as sti destul de bine engleza, zic doar ca anumite lucruri nu se pot traduce. Sa-mi zica cineva daca a reusit si cum. Cu toate astea, ziceam mai sus ca de cand mi-am schimbat numele blogului in Eu Iubesc Culoarea Neagra intamplarea a facut sa port din ce in ce mai rar piese de culoarea neagra. Port aici o superba fusta H&M si Pinterest-savvy cum sunt am vazut 1000 de interprari a flower pattern skirt-ului; am zis ca o bluza alba si o pereche de sandale sunt mai mult decat ok si e destul de casual chic de birou dar si de o iesire after hours. Povesteam mai sus cum m-am capatat cu sandalele astea rosii dar long story short: le-am luat, am vrut sa le schimb, am cutreierat magazine in lung si in lat, nu am gasit nimic, nada, niet; le-am purtat si la o zi dupa le gasesc si pe nude si pe negru si in numarul meu. N-a fost norocul meu! Hai, va astept pe Facebook ca e ultima zi de Giveaway azi! OUTFIT Skirt: H&M Shirt: C&A Heels: Zara Bag: Zara Necklace: H&M Sunglasses: Firmoo (win a pair with the giveaway on FB) I HEART BLACK @ FACEBOOK/INSTAGRAM/BLOGLOVIN
Photos by Remus Popa