Arts & Crafts Magazine

Floral Ideas from Epcot Flower & Garden Festival

By Artemisstationery @ArtmsStationery

On a recent holiday I was lucky to inadvertently visit Epcot in Walt Disney World Florida while a flower festival was on. This should explain the topiary version of Buzz Lightyear above! Disney characters were dotted all around the rest of the park and these were actually pretty cool. There was everything from classics like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Goofy. To more recent characters like Lightning Macqueen Mater from Cars. But it's broader floral ideas I want to share.

Floral Ideas

As well as all the characters liberally spread around the park there were swathes of flowers that I think were over and above the excellent flower borders and features. There was a pavilion which had many displays on. These make up the main part of this post and I think are all by the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs. I'm not sure that all will be to current mainstream UK wedding tastes but there are quite a few different ideas to what I normally see on wedding blogs. These could be good if you don't want to be too samey. Or maybe you're looking for ideas for making your own centre pieces. Just remember I'm a stationery person talking about flowers. I have no real floral expertise other than having spent several years in the wedding industry and having seen a heck of a lot of blogs.

Submerged flowers I have seen a fair bit on Pinterest. I'm not sure how easily this could be DIY'd but might be worth an experiment fair enough ahead of your wedding that there's still time to book something with a florist if all does not go well. The gold fish bowl used in one the displays with no water in is probably easier to use an idea.

I'm not sure if many florists I know will be rushing to buy Perspex this year or next. Though if you are looking for something different I like how metal work could feature.

I also saw that one of the pieces featured a painted palm leaf - at least I think it was palm leaf but what it is matters less than the idea. Painting something, whether on plants for those who can paint or know someone who can could be a good way of combining table centres with table names. If you have kids this could be a way of involving them. Though that may depend on their skill and how particular you are about the finished result.

There was also quite a trend of spary painting things. Now spray painting twigs silver or gold normally looks good at Christmas and looks very decorative. Of course make sure you are allowed to gather whatever twigs you might go for. Although you could always just buy them at Christmas and try and keep them till the wedding.

I was quite struck by some of the futuristic looking vases. There's nothing saying you couldn't just get a series of vases you really like. Whether you buy, rent or borrow and fill with flowers. If your buying from a supermarket though youc could talk to them about ordering specific one's in. Some may be able to or just get there early a day or two before the wedding. Though you may have to be flexible eclectic in what you go for. This can work with all wedding styles I can think of, with single large vase or several smaller ones. M&S, Ikea, John Lewis, many places could supply them new. Maybe check the sales for bargains, their websites may make it easier to get them in greater quantity. Second hand shops, car boot sales etc could be sources for one off bargains. This might go with more eclectic styles of weddings like vintage and shabby chic.

Final thoughts

That's about it for floral wedding ideas from my holiday snaps. Chances are next post will be back about stationery. If you would like to visit my stationery website where oodles of wedding stationery and invitations that can be seen at Artemis Stationery Artemis Stationery. Lots of wedding invitations and all manner of day stationery can be seen there. If you fancy seeing more floral inspiration I did take some photos of some fabric patterns. They didn't come out terribly well but you can see them here of the site. They're definitely very bright and fun.

More photos from the displays can also be seen on the Federation of Florida Garden Clubs website. There were a lot of great displays I didn't get a good or more like useable photo of.

So instead we'll sign of with a flower and garden festival troll from the Norway pavilion looking slightly stunned but also waving good bye!

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