Gardening Magazine

Fleeting Moments

By Ronniejt28 @hurtledto60

There are a few beautiful flowers that pass in a fleeting moment.   They frequently take a long time to open, staying in tight buds week on week and day after day.   Suddenly one morning, behind your back when you are not looking, they open and by the evening or the next day they are over.  The great thing is that they have more flowers to surprise you, so the whole plant flowers for some time, making the fleeting moment not so sad.

Some of the flowers that have fleeting moments over the Spring and Summer months in my garden are:-

  • Poppy

Fleeting Moments

  • Peony

Fleeting Moments

  • Day Lily

This one teased me for a long time as I waited daily for it to flower.

Fleeting Moments

Even if it was for a fleeting moment, it was beautiful while it lasted.

Fleeting Moments

Fleeting Moments

What flowers do you have in your garden that pass in a fleeting moment?

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