Food & Drink Magazine

Flax For Life

By Lilveggiepatch @Lilveggiepatch

I’ve got a lot of bread on my hands.

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Food for Life, my favorite brand of store-bought bread, just added a new product to their line: Flax bread. They generously sent me a whole CASE to try out! Each of their certified organic breads contain six sprouted ingredients (wheat, barley, soybeans, lentils, millet, and spelt). This is great news for vegetarians, because combined, these ingredients create a complete protein! It contains all 9 essential amino acids to make up the 18 vegetable-sourced amino acids in the bread. This organic bread is diabetic friendly and flourless, and, most importantly, tastes delicious!

This past weekend, we were craving a simple dinner and put together a couple sandwiches on toasted flax bread. On one half, we had avocados and homegrown tomato; on the other, sauteed zucchini and mushrooms. Both were garnished with our very own basil


The bread keeps for 5 days at room temperature, 2 weeks in the fridge, and 1 year in the freezer. I’ve got five loaves left… who wants to come for dinner?

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