Welcome to the second annual flash fiction battle in which four brilliant independent horror authors will battle it out to be crowned the King or Queen of Horror, (well, Horror October at least).
The results are in!
I would just like to say thank you to everyone who voted and to Stephen, Sean, Justin and Gabino, the amazing writers who took part for nothing other than bragging rights! You are all winners. In a sense. But not really…
So without further ado,
In 4th place, with his story Holding On was Sean Seebach
In 3rd place, with his story In That Sleep of Death was Stephen Kozeniewski
Coming in 2nd was Gabino Iglesias with Puppets
And in 1st place….
….that leaves Justin Bienvenue with The Master of Cemeteries!

It was so close! There was only one vote between the winner and the runner up!
Huge congratulations to Justin, who I now crown the King of Horror. Well, Horror October at least!
If you enjoyed these stories, please go check out the authors and buy their books! Sadly, that is it for another Horror October!
Don’t forget, horror isn’t just for October…