Food & Drink Magazine

Flap Jacks from Kodiak

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

My brother told me that I have a blog designing problem… :oops:

It’s true… I just can’t contain myself. But I’m like this when it comes to the color of my room, the bed spread on my bed, my wardrobe. I think I’m just 9 ways of eclectic. Ohh well, it’s my blog and it does accurately reflect who I am so mission accomplished!



We have a big day on the agenda! My Dad really wants to go down to Big Sur, have a picnic lunch and hike in the Little Sur River. It’s going to be a BLAST!!!

So when I started feeling a little hungry at 10am I knew I had to make something because I’m gonna need the fuel today.


When I’m hiking I gotta wear my denim.

When Max and I did our little shopping trip on Thursday Night I was on a mission to find some nutritious & whole wheat pancake mix. I’ve been craving pancakes for breakfast lately. Kodiak Cakes are delish. I’ve had the basic buttermilk ones before but when I saw the Whole Wheat, Oat & Honey variety I was sold!

Jaemen (the broski) and I whipped up a batch this morning in like 5 minutes flat.


I had 2 little 4 inch flap jacks with 1/2 a tsp butter on each and a small drizzle of maple syrup. It’s no secret, I’m not a huge syrup fan.

Jaeman and my eyes bugged out of our heads upon the first bite… there might have been some gasping and heavenly sighing. I think we might be Kodiak Cake fans for life!

I think my pancakes were about 250 calories with the fixins’.


I also had a mug of green tea sweetened with stevia and a bowl of fuji apple on the side. ~60 calories

That brings breakfast to a whopping 310 calories. Not too shabby for flap jacks!!!

We’re off to do some picnicin’ and hikin’ in the mountains. I’m planning on continuing my Streak with a little 1-2 miler tonight when we get back.


What are your plans for today?

What is your favorite thing to take on a picnic?


When was the last time you went swimming?

I cant remember…

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