English country wedding… photo credit Tino & Pip! (click to see more)
Five tips for organising a stupendous stag do
If you’re organising your stag do then chances are you want an epic, memorable event– a weekend with the excitement of The Great Escape, the adrenaline of a round with Mike Tyson and the sophistication of James Bond.
The normal stag do activities might not make the cut, but do not fear dear stag. There’s a whole range of absolutely stupendous, terrific and downright mind-blowing stag party options that’ll give your stagtastic night the edge, without you ending up semi-clad and tied to a lamp post (which stopped being side-splittingly hilarious some time ago.)
Therefore we have risen up to the stag challenge for you– see below for our checklist on making it different from the usual raunchy, prank-fuelled weekends– so that you and your very-best-friends can have a thoroughly enjoyable time!
Stag do tip number one: Decide where you’re going…
A great, easy (most of the time) first step is picking a location for the stag weekend. Pick it early on and you’ll nab better deals. Factor in what the lads want and can afford (it’s no use sending the invites out for a Las Vegas casino party if their time/budgets can’t stretch beyond Brighton) and book accordingly. If you’re all together with a bit of manly banter and some catching up to do then you’ll have a terrific time, Vegas or not.
If you’re looking for some destination inspiration then the official chart toppers in the world of sophisticated, inspiring stag do locations are: Rome, Edinburgh, Gothenburg, Budapest and Cambridge.
Stag do tip number two: Choose a date…
Once you’ve got a destination chosen you’re well on the way to making stag legend, so get a calendar and a dart and throw it blindly– voila, date picked! For something a little less dangerous and a touch more practical find out when everyone can go, take the destination seasonality into account and email round the invitees to let them know.
Stag do tip number three: Decide who makes the cut…
Chances are you have hundreds of guy friends (more or less) all eager to clamber onto your stag train, so decide who makes the cut! You and the blushing bride-to-be are probably in the process of making a guest list for the wedding so have a gander over that and a chat with her.
However, don’t feel the obligatory guests on the wedding list are an instant must on the stag one. Yes your hairy-estranged-Uncle-on-your-mothers-side had an invite so there was someone to sit next to Patsy from next door, but that doesn’t instantly give him a free pass to the stag party. Equally, there’s a fair chance that not everyone who’s been invited will be able to go– so if you’ve booked your stag plans for 10 people and only 9 can go there could always end up being a place for the aforementioned hairy Uncle.
Stag do tip number four: Manage the financials…
One of the most important things to do when you’re booking your stag party is to make sure the company you’re going with are financially protected– or you’ll have a lot of broke, angry stags who have to spend the stag night in the local chippy. ABTA bonding is what you want to look for– it ensures that you won’t be like so many men before you who find their money lost and their packed suitcases rendered useless. Once you’ve done that tiny bit of homework you’re all set to get the money off of your mates and assure them that it’s safe and secure.

See this Hargate Hall wedding on the blog — click. Photo credit Pixies in the Cellar!
Stag do tip number five: Make it a bit different…
With all the pressure you’re facing (organising a night that the lads will remember while giving your fiancée her dream wedding) you deserve the best time ever on your stag do. Mix up the traditional stag weekend activities, such as clay pigeon shooting and white water rafting with more suave, platinum activities such as wine tasting, punting or a ‘007 day’. Make it memorable for all the right reasons, and give the boys some proper memories to take home (and surely learning the difference between sparkling wine and champagne and becoming punting pro’s are better stories to take home than a night maxing out your credit card before two days of being ill?)
Once it’s all organised you can sit back and relax in the knowledge that you’ve got a weekend ahead that’s bound to be phenomenal! Stag memories await!
Guest blog post for English Wedding Blog by Gen Flintham from StagWeb.co.uk.
StagWeb are leading stag do organisers and offer 66 top destinations, loads of stag do ideas and full ABTA bonding. You can find all the above stag do activities as well as hundreds more at their website. With years of experience, a massive range of terrific ideas, unrivalled service and all the financial protection you need, StagWeb is your totally dedicated stag weekend platform!