While thinking of writing this post I was like will you people be really actually interested to know about me something that I never shared or cared to share some face having to do with me. And I literally ended up by sharing it with you guys finally. I felt its necessary to share it i.e going beyond my outfit and fashion posts.
I like to study people and know about them that they did not even share with me, talking about some unknown facts of theirs by others, odd and quirky habits of them.
- I love myself I know everyone does but I love me that is my nickname is Selesty and I am me that is why SelestyMe.
- Am a huge sweet tooth person, get me jalebis, chocolates I will do anything to everything for you. Not to forget I can have honey as like am having water.
- I can sleep a lot , which also means am very lazy as well but if my wifi network is fast I can skip my sleep. Because of which I always lack behind in time and with my works example am late with the posts as well as am not frequent with it.
- There is mostly nothing that I can't do or I will say no to try but I don't know how to drive be it a bicycle, bike or any of the four wheeler and one more to the bucket I don't know how to swim as well. At the start of this year it was my resolution to learn both of it but as being so lazy still here I am achieving nothing among this two. So as it's already October now and as the year has not ended yet am still in a plan to at least learn how to swim by the end of this year. So wish me luck.
- It would be the oddest I have a rear and funny habit of collecting lingeries, a garment that all color coordinated mostly as well it's a habit which I go through only when am very excited or happy and when am upset as well. Everyone likes to kill time by shopping but I go for only lingerie shopping when my mood is otherwise very good or if am sad.