Five Reasons People Don’t Use Online Profiles
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We all have online profiles don’t we? Not exactly. There are numerous people around the world who don’t have social profiles on any of the big networks. Before you get the wrong idea, it’s probably not because they don’t have access the internet. It’s more to do with answers to questions you’ve never even thought about.
They Don’t Have Anything To Say
We’ve all got friends on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram who post things that have no impact on our lives. They don’t make us laugh, they’re not interesting or entertaining. It’s one of the reasons some people don’t have social network profiles. What’s the point? So we can see the thousandth picture of someone rejoicing that they’re eating salad for lunch? Then again, these people could check out There they’d find some great profile statuses guaranteed to get their followers laughing their heads off.
They Worry About Privacy
How private are your online social profiles? The answer is they’re not private at all. Even if you have privacy settings high if someone wants to access them they can and they will. Or, they might just steal your photo and use it for advertisement. Facebook users have complained that their profile pictures have been used for promotion in the past. Did they get anywhere with this legal complaint? Of course not, they signed away their privacy rights as soon as they joined the network. Whatsapp have got a clause in their usage agreement that allows them to access your camera whenever they like. Is it any wonder some people aren’t using social networks with these breaches?
They’re Using Other Networks
Of course, there are some people socialising on networks that you’ve never heard of. We’re not talking about up and coming new apps. These networks have been up and running for some time on the darknet. Networks like Friendica are popular for people who don’t want to relinquish their privacy. For more information on Friendica have a look at
They’re Being Productive
In other cases, people do have social network profiles, but they’re probably not going to add you as a friend. Even if you’re friends with them in real life. The reason for this is that they’re using their profiles purely for business. Some people have seen the potential possibilities social networks offer to boost a professional image. They’re not going to waste time sharing pictures of a cat playing a Piano. Check out for moe info on this possibility.
They’re Old School
Finally, some people hate social networks because they think they’re killing the social aspect of life. These days, everything is accomplished over social networks. From to speaking to an employer to finding a date. Whether you’re being recruited for a job or arranging a party, it will happen online. There are people who hate this idea and instead decide to abandon social networks completely. Although we can’t help but feel these guys sound a little like the ones who used to complain the creation of cell phones was a bad move.
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