Lifestyle Magazine

Fit Mama & Bump: Marika Tek Dry Wik Tee

By Verybusymama @verybusymama
Before getting pregnant I had been on Medifast with the intention of losing 30 lbs. 
The main reason: to start at a lower weight when I finally did get pregnant, lower my blood pressure and reduce my chances of complications during my pregnancy like I had during my first one. 
I didn't make it to 30 lbs but I lost 23 lbs and believe me, I was thrilled. Coming off Mediast was a bit of a shock to the system, but I found the transition easier than expected. I really watched what I ate and during the six weeks I was in Chile (and surround by CARBS everywhere) I managed to keep my weight under control. I am now16 weeks pregnant and 6 lbs heavier...not bad, not bad. 
I am keen to keep fit during my pregnancy and keep active as much as I can (mostly walking because I don't have much time to go out for a run). 
Marika Fitness recently sent me a light purple Tek Dry Wik Tee to get my workout on! It is not cut for growing bellies, but luckily I can still comfortably work out in it. 
Fit Mama & Bump: Marika Tek Dry Wik Tee Sixteen Weeks Pregnant : Doing everything I can do get a workout in
As a runner, I have many a dry wick tees, but I was surprised at how light the material is on this one. You can work up and sweat and be assured that you won't chafe (especially under the arms). I like the feminine colors and if my middle weren't expanding by the second, it would be a lose fitting top.
Fit Mama & Bump: Marika Tek Dry Wik Tee Although I do think they run small, because I am wearing an XL and for us ladies with hips and a wider frame you don't want it to be too fitted. 
And yes, I really am trying to do weights! I bought these at Target last week and Little M and I do a mini bootcamp in the living room - he even has his own weights. It's very cute! 
Fit Mama & Bump: Marika Tek Dry Wik Tee Light purple Marika Tek Dry Wik Tee
But I admit, I haven't been able to do a whole lot of running these days. I'm exhausted after work and with temperatures still being so high, I just can't bring myself to hit the pavement. However, I do have ways to sneak in exercise!
Walking If I can walk to my destination, I do. Since moving out of the deep 'burbs I can now walk to a nearby cafe, playgrounds, shops and on Sundays we walk to mass. I have always been a good walker and I am slowing getting my city legs back. I'm going to start walking to work too!
Light runs I love running with the Mr. but we no longer have a built in babysitter. When it's not boiling hot and he can stay with Little M I try to go for a short run. We are looking to buy a used running stroller to be able to go together and take the little guy along.
Healthy snacks Yes, I loved me some Mickey D's when I was pregnant with Little M, but this time, no way! I do indulge a bit, but I have Medifast meals as snacks, fruit, carrots, sugar free ice lollies and drink lots of iced water.
Take the stairs As much as I don't like it, I take the stairs when I can. I just need to get the power back in my legs (I went downhill after we left London) and work by backside.
So there you have it, I know most of us are busy mamas, but I really want to make working out a priority. 
Did you work out during your pregnancy or just relaxed through it?

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